TM44 Reports

Air Conditioning Energy Inspections (Commonly known as TM44 Inspections)

With Air Conditioning and ventilation accounting for as much as 30% of a building’s energy costs the government introduced mandatory inspections of this equipment to help highlight and promote energy saving opportunities within a business.

An air conditioning energy inspection must be completed every 5 years, if you are unsure if your building has a valid certificate you will be able to check on the Government database, click here.

The purpose of the Inspection is to ensure that building owners and managers are given basic information regarding the efficiency of the air-conditioning systems they control. You will receive a report from the assessment which includes recommendations for steps you could take to improve the efficiency of your system. These may range from improvements to the maintenance regime, through changes to the way the system is operated, to recommendations on the specification of a new or replacement system. The report will be carried out in line with CIBSE TM44 publication.

Acting on the advice in the Inspection Report and rectifying faults or making appropriate improvements, should result in improvements to the effectiveness of air-conditioning systems, with the aim of reducing operating costs and subsequently reducing the reduce carbon emissions associated with operating this equipment.

ACE Wizard - Enhanced TM44 Air Conditioning Inspections

Our assessors use the ACE Wizard software which enables them to provide a greatly enhanced TM44 Air Conditioning report. While other report systems satisfy the basic legislative requirement, we believe thein depth energy information the ACE Wizard software provides, makes it significantly more likely for customers to receive a return on investment from the inspection.

The Key Features of an ACE Wizard Report are:

For further details on a comparison between a standard report and a report carried out on the ACE Wizard software click here.

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Now Providing TM44 Reports

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